Samstag, 27.07.2024 04:51 Uhr

France is European Champion in American Football

Verantwortlicher Autor: Sven Wiese Vantaa, Finnland, 06.08.2018, 18:11 Uhr
Presse-Ressort von: Sven Wiese / Mighty Images Bericht 9015x gelesen
France celebrates their first European title
France celebrates their first European title  Bild: Sven Wiese

Vantaa, Finnland [ENA] In a highly competitive match against Austria, France wins with 28-14 under the German coach Patrick Esume the European Championship in American Football for the first time and celebrates after winning the World Games in Krakow 2017 already the second title in two years.

In the final of this year's European Championship in American Football, which after some quarrels and delay took place in Vantaa, Finland, France and Austria were each with the German coaches Patrick Esume (France) and Shuan Fatah (Austria) two teams with strong play. Austria lost 2014 the final against Germany and France then prevailed against Finland and won the bronze medal.

Austria's interception in the 4 Quarter was not sufficient

For a long time it looked like a victory for the Austrians, who turned the game after the first quarter and the French lead by James. After two touchdowns of Platzgummer and Seikovits In the second quarter Austria headed with an earned lead with 14-7 into the break . The Offense around Quarterback Thury took a fumble of the French in their half and turned into points.

Coach Esume apparently found the right words in the halftime speech, because Team France turned up again and won the lead back by scoring two quick touchdowns in the third quarter, which they could extend in the last quarter by another touchdown for the 28-14 final score. Austria did not gain any more points and also a interception was not enough to effect the own game and to avert defeat.

With 225 Passing And 350 Total Offensive Yards, Paul Durand was voted the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of both the game and the entire tournament.

Coach Esume thanked his team, who has done "extraordinary job by returning so strongly into the match after halftime". Austria's Coach Fatah was visibly disappointed, especially because he warned his team in the break, which is composed of many young actors:... "this is not going to be a self-runner, but the boys were probably a little too sure." Both coaches also praised the entire organisation of the tournament, but also let the associations know that a better continuity of the tournaments would result in a higher importance of sport in general.

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